Whereas there're some who envy the good fortune of these friends and wonder where to find all these bees that throw onto them.
Just not to forget the handful of people who regained their status as single not too long ago.
Well, be it whether a bee is buzzing you or you've just simply walked out from a disaster relationship, the most important fact is we're singles!
Being a single is not necessary a bad thing. If you're divorced, separated, or have ended a good relationship, try to recall. Weren't there times that you wished you where single, because the relationship was putting a stop to you from doing some of the things you want to do.
You can go on dates, make new friends, go out and have a good time, without expecting everyone you meet to fall in love with you, or even wants to date you. With the least expectations, you'll reap the most out of it. Eventually, that someone special will come along.
Whether or not, you're single, it will be always great to have friends around to keep accompany, at the same point of time being a single doesn't mean you can't shop alone, dine alone or watch a show alone.
You're invited to share your ideas and your experience on how to spend a date-free night. Feel free to fill up the chatterbox, and meet some friends here!
Remember, no one needs to know how to be a pro in being a single. The most important thing is be happy while you're still single!